KV Book Club: Sistah Vegan | June 23rd, 2018


If you ever wish you could sit around and talk about vegan stuff in a relaxed, non-judgmental atmosphere, come join us on June 23rd at the Market Square Juice Bar for Knox Vegan Book Club (Facebook event here)!

We’ll be reading and talking about Sistah Vegan, a collection of pieces by Black women about veganism and health, culture, and identity. 

***Don’t have time to read a whole book? Don’t worry! This is a collection of essays, so read what appeals to you and we’ll discuss common themes.***

Black leaders have always been central to the vegan community, from talented, creative chefs like Bryant Terry (his citrus collards remain one of my all-time favorite recipes) to activists and academics like Dr. A. Breeze Harper, the editor of this collection.

Yet as Harper points out in the introduction, veganism is often perceived as a “white thing,” to the detriment of literally everyone, including people of color, non-human animals, and the planet. 

This book is a great entry point into discussions of veganism as activism, not only for animals, but for community health, fighting institutionalized racism and classism, preventing environmental degradation (which disproportionately affects people of color all over the world), body inclusivity, and much more.

So come join us on Saturday, June 23rd at 1pm at theJuice Bar in Market Square, which is graciously giving us a discount on food and drink. KV contributing editor Hannah Gunderman (newly PhD!) will be facilitating the event.

It’s completely free to attend, and the book is available through Union Ave Books locally, Amazon, and if you are affiliated with the University of Tennessee, as an e-book through UTK Libraries. 

Let us and your vegan friends know you’ll be there via our Facebook event, and please share this with anyone who would be interested!

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash


Emily Winsauer

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